剛剛又接了一通打電話到銀行申訴、要求退款的翻譯電話。對方說自己才收到一張新的信用卡不到一個月,已經被盜刷了五、六次。換了新卡號之後不到一個星期,又被盜刷了三、四次,氣得打電話去銀行大罵銀行的保安與防盜機制是怎麼回事。 經過了將近 30 分鐘的交涉,銀行還是很乾脆地把所有未授權的交易金額全數退還、並再一次地郵寄一張全新、不同卡號的信用卡給對方。結果在幾次詢問的過程中才發現,原來對方只喜歡 TEMU 買東西,因為便宜、退貨又不囉嗦。 雖然我不確定是否真的是因為消費習慣的關係,但我認為在網路上買東西,真的還是要慎選可靠、信用好、正面評價高的商家,不然若只是選擇價格便宜的網站消費,後續可能產生的各種麻煩,應該就不是當初為了省那幾塊錢就能夠賠得來的。 I just handled another interpretation call about someone calling their bank to complain and request a refund. The caller mentioned that he had only had his new credit card for less than a month, but it had already been used fraudulently five or six times. After getting a replacement card with a new number, it happened again within a week—this time three or four times. Frustrated, he called the bank to criticize its security and anti-fraud measures. After about 30 minutes of discussion, the bank generously refunded all the unauthorized charges and sent out another brand-new credit card with a different number. During the conversation, it turned out the caller mainly s...