
我最近有一次口譯經歷。我接到 Centene CMS 熱線的測試電話,詢問有關醫療補助/醫療保險的保險範圍。 翻譯很順利,直到打電話的人問我有關一種叫做「亞潔斯」的藥物的問題。

我很困惑,因為我不知道那是什麼。 當我要求打電話者澄清時,她說這是一種藥物。 我試圖根據她告訴我的內容進行解釋,但受測者(通常是醫院或藥房的服人員)仍然很困惑。


身為口譯員,我深知及時、準確口譯的重要性。 然而,我認為所討論的藥物應該有一定的明確度,特別是當同一物品在不同地區(例如中國、台灣和香港)有不同的翻譯時。



I recently had an experience where I received a test call from Centene CMS Hotline who was asking about Medicaid/Medicare coverage. The conversation went smoothly until the caller asked me a question about a medication called “Ya Jie Si.” 

I was confused because I didn't know what it was. When I asked the caller to clarify, she said it was a type of medicine. I tried to interpret based on what she told me, but the examinee was still confused.

The caller then became frustrated with me and said, “You are the interpreter, you should know what it is and interpret it to the subject.” She then abruptly ended the call, leaving me feeling unsure of what had just happened.

As an interpreter, I understand the importance of interpreting promptly and accurately. However, I think there should be some clarity around the medication being discussed, especially when there are different translations of the same object in different regions, like in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. 

In my opinion, it would be helpful to have an English annotation of the medication to avoid any confusion during interpretation.

Overall, this experience highlighted the challenges of interpreting and the importance of clear communication between all parties involved.



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